Brand Pricing Calculator
Are you undercharging clients?! Not even sure what you SHOULD be charging them? We have been there. And now, we’ve got your back! Our FREE Brand Partnership Pricing Calculator is made specifically for food bloggers and content creators to give you actual and applicable help for pricing brand collaborations.
No more wasting time trying to calculate the perfect number. No more wondering if you’re over or undercharging for your work. No more NOT getting paid what you are WORTH!
After years of brand deals with major companies, we’re sharing the insight content creators need to know. You shouldn’t have to guess at how much other bloggers are charging. Or how much brands are willing to pay! This calculator uses years of data to bring you actual numbers that will help you monetize your business.
You CAN make a living from food blogging and content creation. And we are here to help you get there! Sign up here to download the FREE Brand Partnership Pricing Calculator and start landing those dream collaborations!