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Welcome to our Pricing & Pitching Workshop!
We are incredibly excited you are interested in making the investment to level up your revenue model in a big way, using our tried and true strategy and system. Great things are in store for you, and we are honored we get to mentor and support you!
This Getting Started will include:
The 4-week course schedule and group call Zoom links
Access to our private Workshop Group in our membership site, Tastemaker Collaborative Links to resources and bonus content -
General Outline
Week 1 – Creating the Documents You Need for Your Ask Part 1
Zoom call with Abbey: Identify your value proposition, and refine your revenue model vision so you can create accurate pricing for your work and align pitches with your revenue goals. You will also learn how to build the proper documents for the ask, including proposals, case studies, and campaign reports.
Week 2 – Creating the Documents You Need for Your Ask Part 2
Zoom call with Chandice: Review your work with Abbey from Week 1 and receive tailored feedback and copy for your current media kit, pricing documents, and proposals.
Week 3 – Cultivating an Abundance Mindset & Building Your Sales Pipeline
Zoom call with Chandice: Mindset is a key part of landing your pitches and revenue goals (and this can be a scary aspect of pitching, but mindset can make a huge difference!)
This week we do the following…
Talk about your struggles and fears and how to better understand your relationship with money from a business perspective.
Identify road blocks that are keeping you from your full earning potential.
Discuss and learn about helpful tips for cultivating a positive abundance mindset around your relationship with money and how to have the confidence to ask for what you want.
Learn how to communicate your value proposition by using metrics and data to create a base of knowing your monetary worth, and how to make an ask that results in a yes.
Lastly, we will create your sales pipeline system based on your revenue goals documents with this new abundance mindset.Week 4 – Zoom call with Chandice: This is the fun part! We will dive deep into what you need to get that YES you’ve been waiting for. Here’s what we’ll cover.
Learn what to include in your pitch for each phase of your sales pipeline
Brainstorm your pitch templates based on your individualized sales plan
How to best communicate your proposal and the importance of flexibility in negotiations
Draft your pitch templates with 1:1 guidance
Draft and send a customized pitch email to at least two leads on your sales pipeline
Schedule a tentative calendar appointment for a sales call with Chandice acting as agent and mentor to guide the conversation in real-time, so you have real-life and hands-on experience seeing the process BEFORE you get on your brand call
Schedule call for Chandice to act as your temporary agent to help facilitate the negotiation with a brand of your choosing